Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Sets PMG Apart?

It is no surprise that consumers today are shopping around. Why wouldn't you? With the mortgage industry taking such a hit on its reputation, it only makes sense. You don't want to settle on that 1st call you made from the yellow pages. Ask around for a referral and look for testimonials. These items are very important! At PMG we do our best to set ourselves apart from our competition. We all are very similar in terms of the products we offer, it is just critical how they are delivered! What do you get when you work with PMG? Ultimately you get the best mortgage product that fits your needs, but during the process you get superb service and professionalism. We put our knowledge and expertise to use in order to make your experience a memorable one. What better way to get repeat and referral business ,right? Not only do we have the experience that matters, we utilize technology to stay on top of this wacky market! Your loan status is kept online so you can view its progress at all times. You and any realtors will be kept up to speed. is you one stop shop for information that pertains to your loan and the current market. We also track mortgage backed securities like a hawk! This is vital in our business. Anyone who doesn't do this or can't explain what influences mortgage rates is doing you a complete disservice! How else will they be able to take you rate expectation and make it a reality? If I quote someone 6%, I want them to get 6% or better! By tracking the market the way we do, we deliver on our promises! It is always possible for an unforeseen circumstance and no system is 100% full-proof, but we have proven time and time again that our system works wonders for our clients! Take the last 2 weeks as an example. Rates fluctuated a full 1%! Can you imagine how mad a client would be if that dream home they have under contract was locked at 7% out of fear and then a week later it was back to 6%! Sometimes time is not on your side, but in this case it was clear a rebound would occur and we took advantage of it for our current customers. Lastly, it may sound simple but we meet with almost every client in person to go over their loan and disclosures. It is amazing how many times this is not done in the mortgage world. I feel it is important to sit across from who you are doing business with and see exactly how your loan is being structured. You want ZERO surprises at closing! I would venture to guess if this step was taken on all transactions the past several years, there wouldn't be as many people out there that didn't know what they were signing! Unfortunately we are all paying the price for it now.

We approach every loan with professionalism and it shows. You don't deserve anything less!

Brought to you by:
Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
"Your Columbia, MO Mortgage Broker"

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