Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Upcoming Election!

As most of you know, we are in the midst of a fierce presidential election. The Democratic Party and their Candidate Barack Obama just wrapped up their Convention and the Republican Party and their Candidate John McCain are in the middle of theirs. If anyone watched Barack Obama's speech the other night, you could clearly see that this is going to get interesting!
With our Country at war and our economy in shambles, this election is enormously important! Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent it is painfully obvious that the last 8 years have been a complete debacle! I can't recall a more messy presidency! I am confident that whoever is elected, times will get better. However, I think we all need to take a hard look at the issues and who we want to vote for. We are at a major crossroads and the direction we take is in the voters hands. It is far too important to just sit back and not care. Do your homework and decide who you want to lead this country! We will all be better off for it. I know which way I am leaning and I will keep that to myself for now. I don't want to use this Blog as a platform for political controversy. There is enough out there already, I don't need to add to it. I just wanted to point out how important this time is for all of us. Most people reading this are tied to the Real Estate Community in some way. With this being the case, we should watch this election with an even closer eye. The Economy will be greatly influenced by this election and I for one want this to be a positive change!

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Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
"Your Columbia, MO Mortgage Broker"

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