Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Time Traps

I recently read a book called Time Traps by Todd Duncan a true real estate and mortgage professional. It's basically a book about how to de-clutter your day in order to free up time to do more productive (i.e. money making) tasks. There is a section in the book that I found particularly relevant to individuals that I would like to share. It's called the "Daily Dozen" each morning review these items in order to help you gain perspective and increase the odds of success. They are:

My Faith gives me peace.
My Family gives my harmony and stability.
My Fitness gives me stamina and energy.
My Friends give me counsel and comfort.
My Finances give me options.
My Future gives me direction.
My Focus gives me growth.
My Feelings shape my attitude.
My Faithfulness gives me serenity.
My Freedom gives me choices.
My Fun gives me renewal.
My Fulfillment gives me joy.

It's not often I share my reading with the audience of this blog however, I thought this verbage to be very relevant given the economic woes we now face.

Brought to you by Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
Your Columbia Missouri Mortgage Broker

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