As most of you are aware, interest rates have taken a beating lately. This has left numerous people that are already in the purchase or refinance process a bit frustrated. Most people I encounter have found us through a referral source that was based on our reputation for providing our borrowers with competitive prices to go along with great service. With this being the case the borrowers seem to be less concerned about rate and fees because we have come highly recommended. Now don't get me wrong, there are still many shoppers out there and there is nothing wrong with it. This type of volatile environment naturally breeds more shoppers as well. When rates are stable the shopping process for a borrower is a bit easier. When rates are super volatile it can be quite a headache. I have dealt with several rate and fee shoppers this week and I sense their pain. They talk to a lender and get a quote, talk to a few others, and then by the time they make their decision rates have changed again. Therefore the subject of this quick post is meant to help shoppers compare lenders costs. Every lender has different fees and they all seem to disclose them a bit differently. When providing a Good Faith Estimate a loan officer should itemize ALL fees associated with the transaction. What I have found is that some of our competitors only list their fees. I suppose their thought process is that escrows, prepaids, title, etc. will be the same no matter who the lender is so why list them and confuse the borrower? The reason they should be itemized is because they WILL be there and the borrower needs to be aware now and not surprised at closing! So when you are out shopping around make sure all these fees are itemized and find out which ones go to the lender and which ones are 3rd party fees. This will make the comparisons much easier. When it comes to rate just be patient and ask questions. Find out if there are points associated with your rate quote. Find out if the rate could be locked that day? If you have a property address and they can't lock that day then you know they are sugar coating the rate. Some loan officers do this so that their rate sounds good and then they rely on the market to improve to lock you in at the quote. A very risky game to play! If someone start dancing around your questions then they either are hiding something or simply are not experienced enough. If you shop this way you will be able to tell who the experienced and professional loan officers are.
Happy Shopping!
Brought to you by:
Flat Branch Home Loans Inc.
Friday, June 12, 2009
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