Monday, December 15, 2008

Politics...How Funny

What happened late Thursday evening and into Friday was instigated by one thing.....politics. I wish I could say that politicians looked out for their constituents and the general public but the reality is they simply look out for themselves. I'm not one to get into political discussions on a mortgage site but the issues that affect the U.S. economy and for that matter the global economy affect the mortgage industry and what transpires moving forward. Headline news is always on it's toes in affecting mortgage rates and many other aspects of our industry.

Case in point.....look at Illinois and Governor Blageovich. I could go on and on about things that politicians have done out of sure greed, devine right or because of some power trip. The difference between them and the others is they (the former) got caught. Just like everything else in life there are good seeds and bad seeds. Unfortunately what gets advertised the most are the bad seeds and how they sprouted!

Ok....back to my point. The lower states (i.e. Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and others) are "right to work states" meaning they are non-union. They voted against the bill (all republicans) in essence to hurt the union workers and in particular get back at UAW (United Auto Workers) and protect the foreign auto makers like Toyota, Hyundai and Honda who have several plants in the lower states. Let's see where this takes us moving forward.

Brought to you by Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
Your Columbia Missouri Mortgage Broker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog

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