With every passing day we encounter new obstacles in the lending business. As a borrower this is nothing to be scared about. If we pre-qualify you, you are in good shape. Just keep informed about the changes and how the effect you. Many people who haven't kept informed have been abruptly caught off guard. In some cases they have totally changed someones plans. In other cases those plans had to be altered slightly. Just imagine someone shopping for homes for months only to find out when they find one that there are no 100% options out there for them anymore! It has happened!
We feel we do a very good job updating everyone on the changes that have and will take place. Once you do start the loan process you just need to set your expectations properly. Our goal is to make the process as easy and pain free as possible for you. Even with this goal in mind, the numerous changes taking place make this a little more difficult than it used to be. Now don't get me wrong, the loan process is not difficult or anything to worry about. I bring this up for one reason. Don't be surprised if we need your help a bit more than we used to. Your patience and timeliness with us during these volatile times is crucial. Underwriters are asking for more and more information and continue to be super picky. If there is a document that was faxed or scanned that is tough to read in the slightest, they want a better copy. They are executing 4506T's where they didn't in the past, verifications of deposit and bank statements are being looked at a little closer too. Pretty much all aspects of the file are subject to a closer eye. On top of this, Privacy Laws are being strictly followed. In the past I could call around on your behalf to help with past collections and other odds and ends. Even though we have a signed authorization from the borrower, some companies are now not accepting these! This means we must have you make the phone calls and work on items that we normally do behind the scenes.
It is too bad it took a total collapse for lenders to realize that details were important, but they are! In the past they were so busy with loans that they overlooked items and therefore didn't condition us for them. This made the process super easy for you, but now we are all paying for it! This was of course not the only problem, but it added to the fire. We inform every client of ours what to expect once we start the loan. This way there are no surprises! We will only contact you to help us out if it is absolutely necessary. Just be prepared in case something comes up that we need a little assistance.
Brought to you by:
Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
"Your Columbia, MO Mortgage Broker"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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