Monday, December 10, 2007

Real Estate News Part II

Well as stated in the previous post the Fed's will meet tomorrow to decide whether to cut key rates "discount rate" to help free up market liquidity. I have watched the market rather closely the last couple of days and noticed a couple of things.

First, "mortgage rates" once at 2.5 year lows are now rising and rising fast! The market is anticipating or "building-in" the Fed's predicted cut and the 10-year treasury is suffering from it. The 10-Year Treasury Bond is a key predictor in determining mortgage rates.

Second, the market is also reacting in a similar of positive fashion to the "Sub prime Aid Plan" the Bush administration has enacted. This administrative plan puts a rate "freeze" on some sub prime loans set to be reset in the coming months.

Third, today a "trade group" representing realtor's said it is predicting increased sales in 2008 and more stable home prices. Although many economist are not so optimistic, with many stating this is just a "ploy" to down play the negativity surrounding the housing debacle.

In summary the market is reacting positively to all of the above and in essence has impacted "mortgage rates" in a negative way. Hopefully, we will see the 10-Year Treasury Bond go down in the coming days.

Brought to you by Professional Mortgage Group, Inc.
Your Columbia Missouri Mortgage Broker

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